Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Interactive Teaching "Why The Moon Shines at night?"

Why The Moon Shines at night

In the beginning, ta the dawn of time, God created the world’s first man and the world’s first woman. He man was called Andraw, whose name means “the sun” and the man was Bulan, whose name means “the moon”. Andrew’s body was covered with blazing, hot fire, to symbolize his superior power and his bravery. The bright and powerful flames from Andrew’s body, could be seen for miles and miles. Bulan’s body was cool and gave off a mild, bluish glow, to symbolize her gentleness and her calm temperament.

For many years, Andaw and Bulan were very happy together, but being the only two for them. And so they decided to have a child. After a few months, Bulan gave birth a beautiful baby boy. The baby boy was neither hot like his father, nor cool like his mother, but somewhere in between. Andaw and Bulan were both very happy, BUT Bulan forbade her husband Andaw from touching her child for fear that his touch would burn their new son. Andaw was very sad that he could not hod and cuddle his child, but was content to love him from a safe distance.

One day, Bulan was busy ain the fields collecting vegetables for dinner. Her sleeping baby son was alone in the house, far away from the fields. The baby the woke up, hungry and thirsty and began crying for his mother. But Bulan was so far away in the fields that she could not hear the desperate cries of her baby son. The frustrated Andaw could see that the baby was so agitated that it was about to fall from its cot and injure itself. Andaw shouted to his wife, but the busy Bulan did not hear his cries for help. Himself and grabbed the baby before it hit the floor. But the hot flames on Andaw’s hand, burned the baby and it died instantly.

When bulan returned from the fields and saw that andaw had killed their baby son, she went wild and began arguing with her husband for being so careless. She could never forgive Andaw for what he had done. The only solution was for them to separate forever. So that their did not die in vain, Bulan cut her baby into many pieces and threw them high in the sky. These pieces of the baby became the planets, including the planet earth.

Before Bulan  left him, Andaw wanted to embrace her child and tell her how sorry he was for the death of their son and that he never meant any harm to come to their child. He would do anything to gain Bulan’s forgiveness and to their son back to life. But  Bulan would not forgive Andaw and told him that they must stay apart for all eternity and must not even meet one Another ever again. “from now on,”said Bulan, “I will sleep during the day and come out only at night.” You, Andaw must sleep through the night and come out during the day. That wauy, we will still see one another again. “ those were Bulan’s last words to Andaw and she left him. Andaw was sad to see his wife go but knew that her suggestion was right one.

And so, everyday since that time, Bulan has come out everynight and her husband Andaw has come out  during the day. And they have never seen one another to this very day.