Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Approaches to College English

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Approaches to College English

Level: College Students
Subject: Approaches to College English
Time: 3-4:30 MW
Preparation: (The text was given before the class starts)
Instructional Materials:

Cut outs and Pictures
Manila paper
Pentel pen

I.                   Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a.       identify the missing words from the given list of words as they listen    to the song, “Heal the World” by: Michael Jackson;
b.      sing the song after it is played;
c.       write the letter to a friend about healing the world;
d.      paraphrase the meaning or theme of the song and;
e.       illustrate the message of the song in the last stanza.

II.                Subject Matter: Listening Activity, “ Heal the World” by: Michael

Values: Learn to care and heal the World, love for fellowmen and hopes                            for better tomorrow.
Focus: Provide the missing words, sing the song and express their thoughts/ ideas on how to heal the world.

III.             Procedures:

  1. Pre-Listening

(Teacher’s Activity)

A Happy afternoon Class!

So how do you feel?

Yes, it’s conducive so I believe you would love to have an activity.

It is actually a listening activity and I want you to take a look on these pictures.

(The teacher post pictures on the board)

What do you see class? Look at the pictures. Yes, kaz?

Very good class. Thank you Kaz that’s a precise answer.

Is there anybody who has another
answer? Yes Dome?

Yes very good Dome. Is there another answer? Yes Maricel.

(Students’ Activity)

Happy Afternoon too ma’am!

We’re great ma’am; the room’s atmosphere is conducive.

What is that activity ma’am?

Ma’am I see a girl planting a tree.

Ma’am I can see a boy giving a gift to a beggar. It is in the second picture.

Ma’am, on the third picture. A girl giving sandwich to the other girl.

Thank you Maricel, you’re correct.

Class, you are all correct and I want you now to look at this phrase “Heal the World”.

I want you now to relate this phrase to the pictures you have seen a while ago.
Yes Joey Lyne?

Why do you say so?

Yes, nice answer Joey Lyne. Is there another one? Yes, Felsie.

Precisely, Felsie. Thank You

Now class, were you able to hear this song?

Very good class, therefore I would play the song and I would be giving you a copy.

I want you to fill out the blanks with the missing words. You may draw your answer from the list provided. Understood class?

Here we go!

(The teacher plays the song)

Ma’am, it depicts love of the world.

Heal the world and the fifth picture suggest love, because of the heart.

Ma’am there is love of the environment because of the first picture. A girl planting a tree.

Yes ma’am

Yes ma’am!

(The students listen

B. Post- Listening Activity

Did you enjoy class?

Well very good. Were you able to write the missing words?

Very good. So shall we sing?

(Sing the Song)

On the first stanza class, what place in our hearts are being reffered in the song?Yes kaz?

Yes, as what has been written.

What shall we do in order not to cry? Yes Felsie?

Try to find what?

Do you agree  class?

So in its entirety, what does it say? Yes maricel?

Yes, but why did you say so?

Yes Ma’am

Yes Ma’am

(Sing the Song)

Ma’am, it is Love that is being referred in the song.

Ma’am, try to find.

To find love ma’am.

Yes ma’am

Ma’am it suggest hope.

Ma’am, it was said there that this place could be much brighter than tomorrow.

What about the next stanza? What does it talks about? Yes, Cherry?

Would you mind to justify your answer cherry?

Very good cherry, I guess you’re all inspired by the song class. Aren’t you?

On the third stanza, it says that love is strong when? Yes, Dome

How would that joyful living connected to the fourth line of the same stanza? Yes, Joey.

Very good joey. How about on the fourth stanza? what will our dreams reveal? Yes Maricel

What about the word “it”, what does it refer to? Yes kaz.

Yes, correct kaz. What about in the last stanza, what do we need in order to get there? Yes maricel.

Love ma’am.

Ma’am it was said there. “Heal the world”-If you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me.

Yes we were inspired ma’am

When it cares for a joyful living ma’am

We stop existing and start living. We should not only exist physically. Instead let’s make a way to live.

Joyful face ma’am

Soul Ma’am.

Precisely Maricel that’s a good answer. What about the word
“Space” what does it refer to in the last line of the sixth stanza? yes Joey.

Why did you say so?

Very good point joey. Now tell me, how do you conceive the theme of the song? Yes Kaz.

Do you agree class?

Is there any other answer? Yes Joey.

Yes you may go ahead

Do you agree class; yes you should because she has a very good point. Thank you Joey.
We need care, because caring for humanity will bridge us to each other and be united in order to build something.

Ma’am the space there could refer to love.

Ma’am because the space there could be love since in the first stanza love is the space in our hearts.

Ma’am it seeks cooperation for us to be able to seal or help the world.

Yes ma’am.

Ma’am I would want to add something.

Ma’am it also opens our hearts to the reality that love is important and our world needs love.

You have given me a very good answer. Honestly class, you all have correct answers.

Now, I want you to write a letter to friend concerning your thoughts on how you could possibly heal the world. Write it in a whole sheet of paper.

I’m giving you five minutes to do that.

Are you done class?

Please pass your paper.

C.   After Listening Activity

The class should be divided in two groups; I want you now to illustrate the message of the song in the last stanza.

Such a beautiful illustrations class, I want you now to explain your answer. Why it looks like that? What has been your basis?

Yes Ma’am

(Students Illustrate on the given manila paper.)

(Each group explains their answers)


Class, I want you to make a dialogue between three friends, the short dialogue should look like a short play.

Write it in a short bond paper it should be about healing the world.


Logicality of the story: 25
Should be based on reality: 10
Problem presented: 15
TOTAL: 50 points

You should be able to meet the criteria, pass that on Wednesday.

Such a grace filled day, thank you for your cooperation class. See you next meeting.

Bye ma’am.

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